Saturday, February 26, 2011

Get Rid of Gaddafi

Watching and hearing about the hideous crimes going on in Libya is painful to say the least. Contemplating the killing of civilians by the mercenaries is disgusting. I guess that it's too hard for Libyans to kill their own people, so Qaddafi must hire foreigners to do his dirty work. Unfortunately for him, this treatment does not bode well for him or his killers treatment if the revolution succeeds. They will get their just deserts.

Is it acceptable for a "leader" to treat his people like dirt? Shooting someone in the head by sniping does not leave much room of dialogue. I guess Gaddafi doesn't care what they have to say; he has never cared.  One well placed bomb on his headquarters would make a big difference, and I am sorry that the United States can't fine the will to accomplish that deliverance. Given the state of international affairs, we could just deny it. "I wonder who did that? It must have happened internally." Sounds good to me.

There are many levels of "persuasion" that a government can use to convince its citizens that they need to pay attention. We see it in our country; it's done with the news.  But his approach should be stopped instantly. I hope in the halls of the ambassadors there are some secret conversations going on to end this slaughter.

I don't understand the mercenaries. Being paid to shoot other human beings for money is a despicable act. Where are they from. Algeria? That's what I've heard. What about the Algerian government, doesn't it have anything to say about this? Is it now complicit in this debacle? Just imagining this is almost too difficult. It is shameful when criminals have so much power. It is more of a shame that we can only sit by and watch. When it is all over, I think there will be many on the short end of the evaluation. What could we have done? Why did we not do it? What would Reagan have done--" Tear down that wall Mr. Gorbachev."

When the final chapter of this conflict is written by history, I am certain that Moammar Gadafi will join the ranks of other despots, buttressed by guile and chance, intoxicated with power, with no regard for decency or humanity; another pariah. God bless the people of Libya and don't give up!

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